5 Things To Ensure Before You Head Out This Holi

Published on 13 Mar 2017 . 3 min read

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Holi! An excuse to get  unleash our inner child and have fun with colours. A festival full of colours and happiness where the mood is full of energy. While the thought of drenching others in colours and water excites us, some may dread being on the receiving end. But ladies, it's 2017 and we need more than age old nuskhes to play this Holi better.


1.Gone are the days when we used to leave our phones at home while heading out on Holi. We NEED our smartphones but we also need to protect our expensive phones from unexpected water balloon attacks and swimming pool jumps. Get a ziplock to secure your phones in. The good part is - You can absolutely use your touch phones through the zip lock.

Ps- Stick to texting over calling as much as possible to avoid bringing your phone out.



2. Same goes for our expensive cars! Keep your cars from getting dirty by ditching them for an Uber. Avoid drunk driving and call a cab instead. Although cabs are expected to be on surge. But if you do take your car, it is bound to get dirty. Save your seats by ensuring to place towels/old cloth on the seats and newspapers below. Might sound like bit of an effort but surely lesser than cleaning up would take. Also, stock your car with water bottles and lots of tissues.



3. Whites are obviously are favourites to wear on holi. Some of us specially buy whites as colours are best seen on whites. While wearing white clothes is a great idea, don't let Holi keep you from wearing colours and being fashionable. Try synthetics and nylons and you won't have to throw away another piece of clothing you wore on Holi.

Most of us don't reuse our Holi clothes. Do away with your Holi clothes by donating them to the needy.


4. Food ! We all look forward to drinking thandai and eating our favourite chhole bhature for lunch. Colours contain chemicals that shouldn't be ingested at any cost. Prevent ingestion of colours by picking straws for liquids and spoons for food.

Take extra care of kids and pets n keep them from taking in colours.


5. Protecting your skin, hair and nails is the prime most. We all know, to drench ourselves in coconut oil, paint our nails, tying hair in a bun is something we all know. But nobody said you have to look ugly! Protect your lips with glossy lipsticks or balms and nails with paint. Tying a bandana or scarf can further save your hair. Most importantly, save your eyes with trendy shades and play Holi carefree.


Megha Dadarwal
22, Dentist, passionate yogi who loves dogs and beaches.

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