5 New Things To Do This Month
Having spoken to a lot of friends about their New Year resolutions for 2017, I was impressed to find out that they have the same resolution as me - none.
We’re all familiar with the irony of the phrase ‘New Year, New Me’, which is more worn out than the favorite pyjamas you’ve had since forever.
To add to the paradoxity of your new year’s resolution, there’s just nothing “new” about it. Well, at least not anymore. So why bother with resolutions when you can just try out new things for fun? There’s a long list of things you could do like yoga, baking, planting a tree, donate. They don’t have to be things you need to put all your energy into. It can be confusing to think about where to start and what to do, making you give up before you even start.
So, here are 5 new ideas for you to try out this month:
1) Compliment a stranger
Making others feel good about themselves will automatically make you feel good too. This is the simplest thing to do without having to go out of your way to achieve it. See someone wearing a nice dress next to you? Tell them, “Hey, I like your dress. It’s pretty!”. Something as simple as that could possibly make their day.
2) Read an old classic
I know a friend who recently finished reading “Shadow of the Wind” after waiting years to even begin. What made him do it? The excitement to finally try something new. It’s always been something he wanted to read but didn’t find it interesting enough or his “type”. Turns out, he did enjoy the book. The patience to wait if you don’t get hooked page one onwards is needed here. Pick up that book that caught your eye but you couldn’t read for whatever reason. Now’s the time.
3) Learn something new
Art needs to and should be a part of your life. It can play a major role during the worst of times and help you get through it. It’s peaceful, soothing, interesting, fun, all at the same time. Learn to paint, or play a musical instrument. There are many people who would even come home to teach you, requiring minimal efforts on your side. If musical instruments are not your thing, there’s always dancing! Join a local dance class, learn a new style - salsa, hiphop, tango, freestyle, whatever floats your boat.
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4) Go offline and be one with nature
Leave your electronic devices - mobiles, laptops, tablets - and other technology aside. Go on an adventure alone or with your friends/loved ones to try hiking. Take a walk to be surrounded by greenery, try mountain climbing or swimming with fishes. Spend some quality time at peace with yourself, or get to know your people better.
5) Write
Writing can be really stress relieving. Use it as a source to let out any frustration. Write about something you love, your passion, your aspirations, your experiences, or things that you find interesting. Start your own blog. Even if you don’t want to make it public, do it for yourself till you find the confidence to show it to others.
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