You Can Eat Your Cake & Have It Too. – Nadine Makhani



I first met her when she was a 7 year old, shy, sweet and cheery child; then again after many years I discovered her as a client and totally fell in love with her and the yummylicious cakes.  Nadine Makhani, Age 24, a millennial woman is raring and showing the world how to be a champ at her work.


Her life philosophy is, “You can eat your cake & have it too.”


An astute, perceptive, mature and skilled psychologist, with that she has turned her love for baking cakes into a passionate business enterprise. Her connection with the mind and palate is unique, innate and discerning.

For the last four years, since age 20 she has been running her own successful baking business Cakes by Nadine , while specializing in psychology.

Here are a few things to learn from this new age mental health professional and millennial entrepreneur.


#Trying out new things leads to your personal growth


Growing up in an extremely protected environment by her parents, in school years she was a complete introvert. So in 2010, first year of grad school, Amity, initially she felt very vulnerable and shy. However studying psychology gave new perspectives and meaning. Gradually metamorphosing into a more outspoken and confident person.


Over the years, she has been trying out several creative things, which has added multiple dimensions to her personality, self, work and life.  


#You can find inspiration in anything you want, important thing is to take action


Both her grandmothers, mother & aunt bake. They would bake for Christmas, birthdays and other occasions. Her aunt Jennie made the most exciting birthday cakes for the kids in the family with basic frosting, which even now Nadine finds hard to use, because she uses fondant and marzipan. Her mother would bake for the house and she used to take cake to school. Everyone would polish it off and ask her, “When will you bring cake to school again.”


She recounts, “I suddenly became known for my cakes. :) When I was about 10, I asked my grandmother for a basic chocolate cake recipe. The recipe required me to bake it in the microwave for 8 minutes. I would bake on and off but never did anything seriously.


In 2012, I started some serious baking when I saw an episode of “Masterchef”, which was entirely based on Cake.”


“I feel TV shows play a huge role, just like it played a role in my life; I feel it has an impact on lots of other people. In this business itself, I have seen many young girls and mothers (working & homemakers) take up baking and chocolate making as a part time career. This field has grown vastly in the last 4 years.”


Initially her inspiration came from Television shows like “Masterchef Australia, Fabulous Cake and Ultimate Cake.”  



For her grandmother’s 84th birthday her mother suggested that she bakes a cake, covered with Marzipan (as it’s something her grandmum loves).


She took the opportunity and started looking for recipes.


#Never stop learning, that’s what makes you top of your game


Looking at the pictures of her first customized cake which she baked, today she cringes and finds too many faults in it, but back then it didn’t deter or discourage her. She just kept baking more cakes, focusing on just getting better until she finally got her first order. Ever since then and now it’s been 4 years and she has done many exciting cakes.


Her humility and eagerness to learn is still intact. She looks at each cake as an opportunity to learn every moment.


Today, even after building a vast clientele, their appreciation keeps her motivated and inspired to take up more challenging designs for their special days. 

#Key qualities - focus, creativity, curiosity, hard work, eagerness, observation & resilience

She managed both - her further education in the day & baking by the nights. 


Baking led to interactions with a lot of people and the sudden exposure to this whole new exciting field gave her new found joy and confidence.


With that her love for psychology emblazoned within. First she studied “Applied Psychology”, then moved on to specialize in “Clinical Psychology” and further now she is specializing in “Forensic Psychology.”


“I have been a trainee all through my education, never gave up an opportunity to build on my CV. Because I believe you're only as great as you let yourself be and I don't think one should ever stop. What you are taught, when you are a child effects the way you view life, but I feel at some point you need to grow beyond that because there is so much more to life. I feel no one should ever compromise on anything.”, she reflects and tells.



#Marry all your talents together


A very creative mind at work, whenever she gets an idea, she doesn’t rest till it’s done and it's simply perfect.


She attributes the success of Cakes By Nadine Makhani  to this mantra. She completely believes that her brand has got its success; because of the paramount quality of her products and that she keeps bettering her own self.


Interestingly, she says, “My love and complete devotion in pursuing psychology has helped me to be more understanding and adaptable to meet my client's requirements. A psychology student is always taught to improve on their observational skills. I think that has played a big role as well in my baking.”

Her biggest strength is her creativity.

In love with DIY projects, she believes in making things than rather buying them.  On seeing products online, like a “Teacup Lamp” with her uncle’s help she made one too. Similarly, she designed and made cushions in the shape of “moustache, pretzel and doughnut” to decorate her own room.

There is no stopping this girl when it comes to letting creative juices flow.

#Challenges are part of the game; take the first step and the rest will work out on its own

She chose to do a PhD but was unable to secure admission in the field of her choice. Being overly confident, this was a setback in her life and it took a long time to pick herself up and start again. But undaunted by this experience, she says “I chose to stick by my goal to pursue Psychology and keep baking. I moved ahead.” 


She extols and reiterates the fact that it is important to identify and turn talent/passion to ones advantage.  Dreams become real, only when one pursues them and doesn’t give up against odds.


“If you have an idea - take it & run. Don't sit back and think about how it will pan out. Just take that first step and start. The rest will work out on its own.” advises this wise young woman.   


There are rave reviews about her cakes on -





Piyali Dasgupta
A writer and an educator with expertise in experiential learning,capacity building, counselling & content development. A feminist, wit addict and time/life traveler. She loves trees, water bodies, vintage,cooking and arts

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