Wouldn’t It Be Cool To Have a Husband Like Lord Shiva?

For those of you fasting today on Maha Shivratri, here’s a tip: when it comes to an ideal husband, there’s no one like Lord Shiva. He’s cool, he’s hot and he’s the dude. Don’t believe us? Read on.

1. Lord of Love

(Photo: fineartamerica.com)

Would you wait two lifetimes for your love? Well, Shiva did. Passionate, yet not possessive. Devoted, yet not dominating. Virile yet virtuous. - Well, that Parvati sure got lucky.

2. Pack-Man

(Photo: facebook-picturesdrippic.com)

Shiva literally means Shakti or power. Any woman would feel safe wrapped in those brawny shoulders and chiselled torso. Don’t forget, he not only the destroyer but someone powerful enough to recreate the Universe. - How’s that for hubby power.

3. Hair, Hair Mahadev

&nbsp;(Photo: The cover of Immortals of Meluha)<!--EndFragment-->

Let’s admit it, aman-bun is beyond sexiness and nobody can carry them off as Lord Shiva did. Ooh!...those unkempt blacktresses, the disdainful swagger, the smouldering look... Which good girl can resist such a Bad Boy.

4. He’s Got The Moves


Be it the Tandava dance of Doomsday or the Lasya dance of creation, Lord Shiva has all the moves down to a T. The Cosmic dance of Nataraja - that’s a sure show stopper.

5.   Male mystique


Wreathed in a fug of opium smoke and rudraksha beads, Shiva is coolness personified. Body smeared with ash he sits astride a tiger skin. Nonchalant, unperturbed, yet oozing, what a historian dubbed ‘an uncanny power and sinister eroticism.’

Now that’s the kind of man you want to take home to your mother.

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