Voice of SHEROES: Basantika's Story - How She Created KIDUCATE

I was the last person to get married in my friend circle and most of them had had babies when I was not even close to getting married. So the one thing which was always discussed in depth and for hours within my group was - which classes should I enrol my kid in? Or where is this particular class, I have heard its very good and more. And then, came a time when I got married. And we had a daughter after a few years. After which, I was in the same situation any parent was around me, I thought to myself, how will I know what's the best for my child? There is so much out there to offer to children but how do I know what is good, how do I choose?

And that kind of stuck with me and I wanted to create something around this but didn't know what and how etc. But I knew that it would it be great if all child related resources would come together on a common platform to share and exchange information, reviews, feedbacks and opinions about the various curricular and extracurricular activities a child is in or any activity a parent may want his/her child to enrol in.

This would in turn help save parents any ambiguity or doubts about a class or an activity they want their child be a part of. It would be a dream come true for any parent, including me, to be able to access a bank anytime, anywhere, no matter what age their child was as information shared in this bank would be direct and instant! And then came a time where people were beginning to use allot e-commerce platforms through social networking websites to create groups and pages and before I knew it, KIDUCATE was born in February of 2014, while I was sitting at home with a sick leave from work, on Facebook as a closed group!

After aiming at the parent community to benefit from the group, KIDUCATE took a step further, just a year after it was born! KIDUCATE started hosting hands on events for children as we now, wanted to aim at educating children to enhance their understanding in the real world.

As we move forward and grow, we always want to be intentional and make informed decisions about keeping in mind the children of tomorrow, the future of the world! At the moment there are many plans brewing and we are very excited to unfold them, but we want to wait for the right time for this to unfold.


Raagini Kaushal

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