#VictimBlaming: Malaika Hits Out At Shamers With Her Satirical Instagram Post

#BengaluruMassMolestation  has been in my news feeds, for obvious reasons. Let me ask you a question, are you tired of reading, day-in and day-out about this shameful incident? I will be honest with you, I, for one, am awfully tired of reading such incidents which has become a norm nowadays. So has our posts, filled with disgust and a collective call to make our society more safe and secure for women.

I know it’s going to be just another incident, where people are going to get angry, rant on their social media profiles and then get back to doing what we excel at, IGNORING! 

It sounds depressing, right? Let me state the obvious, yes it is depressing, sad and a hopeless situation. From ministers to some of us, blame the victims for their clothes. Yes they are victims! Victims of our rotten mentality. 

Malaika Arora's Instagram post sums it up for us, when she says “...But my safety is my responsibility so...” The post can’t get more hard hitting than this. No matter how many measures we take, so as to “not-invite-any-untoward-behaviour-from-men,” we still end up “provoking the poor sods!” 

Hopefully this doesn’t end up being just another post among the scores of them. It would give me a glimmer of hope when the conversation shifts from #NotAllMen to #NoWomenToBeAbused.


Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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