Trump’s Move To Scrap Transgender Toilets is a Disaster: Caityln

Olympian and reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner has hit out at Donald Trump over his decision to reverse former US president Barack Obama’s initiative of letting transgender kids use the bathroom of their choice in public schools.

On Thursday evening Caitlyn weighed in on social media, telling Trump on Twitter that "from one Republican to another, this is a disaster" and asking the president to call her.

In the video, Jenner spoke a message of hope for people belonging to the transgender community.

She also went on to calling bullies 'sick' and 'weak' for bullying others.

Jenner had supported Trump during his campaign period for his support towards LGBTQ.

A teenaged singer with a transgender sister, best known for performing the US national anthem at President Donald Trump's inauguration in January Jackie Evancho, also requested the meeting in a Twitter message late on Wednesday, minutes after the administration revoked landmark guidance to public schools.

When White House spokesman Sean Spicer was asked at a briefing if Trump would meet with Evancho, he said the president would welcome a meeting with her.

Trump, a Twitter user, has not responded to the request, Evancho said on Thursday during an appearance with her sister, Juliet, on ABC's "Good Morning America."

Juliet Evancho, a high school senior, said the president needed to know about the threats facing students who identify as a gender other than the one with which they were born.

"I've had things thrown at me," she said. "I've had people say pretty horrible things, and the unsafe environment is just very unhealthy."

The Evancho family is suing Juliet's Pittsburgh-area school district over her right to use women's bathrooms.

(With inputs from Reuters)

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