Tips For Showcasing Soft Skills On Job Interviews

"It's more about who you are than what you do"

If you've heard a lot about "soft skills" lately, it's at least partly because employers want you to develop them. More employers are rolling out "soft skills assessments" to test job candidates on the cognitive and personality qualities you don't go to school to learn: critical thinking, adaptability, learning agility, communication, etc.

But since they seem to be in high demand and comparatively short supply, companies are investing in new technologies meant to zoom in on the right folks faster.

Here's what it takes to earn high marks in the job market for your soft skills.

Brotip #456: Be ready to share experiences that demonstrate how you’ve been able to adapt, persevere, and manage change. That’s the kind of candidate companies will be looking to hire in the months and years ahead.


Aanchal Malik
Experimenter. Sunshine Seeker. Chocolate Lover. Dancer. Problem Solver. Day Dreamer. Explorer. Wannabe Designer. Lifelong Learner. And wished that I had more time for Yoga.

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