While you are pregnant, you will find yourself wrestling and juggling in bed to get comfy until you can finally get a good night’s sleep. This is the time when your regular sleeping positions might fail to work for you, especially if you’re the one to sleep on your belly. While there are numerous reasons for sleeping discomfort, there are some sleeping positions that can help you fall asleep better.
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Why Am I Experiencing Discomfort In My Normal Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy?
Certain reasons for sleeping discomfort during pregnancy are as follows:
- Increased size of belly
- Breathlessness
- Back ache and abdominal pain
- Heartburn& indigestion
- Cramping
- Increased blood flow in the body
- Frequent urination
- Insomnia or loss of sleep
- Baby movements in the later stages of pregnancy
Which Are The Best Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy?
- SOS (sleeping on the side) is probably the best sleep position to try during pregnancy. It is advisable to sleep on your left side so as to increase the blood flow and nutrients that reach your baby. Sleeping on left is not only safe but also comfy.
- Make sure that your knees and legs are bent to ensure proper comfort. Place a maternity pillow between your legs to soothe back ache.
- You can also try sleeping with a pillow under your abdomen if SOS position isn’t working for you. This will help ease abdominal pain.
- If you experience heartburn at night, you can support your upper body with maternity pillow.
- In order to reduce breathing discomforts, try lying on your side with pillows under your head.
- Do not sleep on your back as it can aggravate the problems of shortness of breath, backache, low blood pressure and hemorrhoids.
- Sleeping on your stomach is strictly prohibited during pregnancy as it can put pressure on your uterus, pushing the intestines back and causing complications.
Also read: Healthy Alternatives to Sugar for Pregnant Mums
Other Tips For a Sound Sleep During Pregnancy
- Do not consume food or water at least two hours prior to sleeping. This will help prevent heartburns and frequent bathroom trips during the night.
- Indulge in mild physical activities like walking, prenatal yoga, swimming, etc. throughout the day so that you get tired and sleep well at night.
- Make sure your bed is comfy and cozy. Add a mattress pad and maternity pillow if your backache is keeping you awake at night.
- Turn down the room temperature a little to offset the increased body heat during pregnancy.
- Remove distractions such as cell phone, books, television, etc. from your bedroom.
- Turn off the lights, unwind and get lost in that deep slumber!
Also read: Importance of pre-natal Yoga
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This article was originally published on Indian Moms Community.