Meet the SHEROES - Rekha Kakkar

Tell us what got you started?

I have always loved to click pictures. When I got my first camera at the age of 13, a gift from my uncle from abroad . I used to feel proud clicking away all the pictures, even  though I did not know much about photography but holding a camera and clicking photo was immensely satisfying for me. I remember clicking my first film roll, some of which were not even framed right (I cut complete head of adults to take kiddies into the frame). When finally the film was developed it was just one picture which was alright with a proper balance.

After 3 yrs, the camera stopped functioning I decided to let it go as there was not enough time left to pursue any thing other than studies. My next stint with camera started after birth of my son, when like any other mother I wanted to click pictures of my son’s growing up years and this time I was hooked!

When I started my food blog to document my healthy eating journey, the food photography skill was one of the added advantages and my work was appreciated by many. Few people from industry spotted my work and offered me commercial assignments and that was a beginning of new career as commercial food and still life photographer.

What is your inspiration to keep going?

When you see your vision and thoughts taking shape and getting transformed into something that gives pleasure to you and others, it is extremely satisfying.

In fact the whole process of brainstorming with  stylists , post production guys and coming up with something to meet the clients vision for their product is always a challenge and I love the everything about whole experience.

Creating beautiful photos is a passion of mine. Love and encouragement from my immediate family and my extended family, good words from friends and clients encourage me and keep fuelling the passion.

One valuable photography tip you will give to a novice?

A photograph should portray a story. Photography is essentially painting with light; just train your eye to see the light and how to manipulate it to convey the story behind your photograph. Once you start understanding the light rest everything falls in place

Message to all the SHEROES out there. 

It may sound too clichéd but really “No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small” So if you have been waiting for the opportunity or right time it is now all you have to do is follow your passion with patience and commitment.

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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