A day after Shobhaa De distastefully fat shamed a Madya Pradesh police officer on Twitter, he spoke up saying he is 180 kgs not because of overeating but because of an “insulin imbalance”, as Hindustan Times reported.
De had posted a photo on Twitter on Tuesday, of Daulatram Jogawat, mistaking him to be an officer on duty for the BMC polls.
Jogawat is posted at Neemunch police lines in Madhya Pradesh.
Seemingly hurt by De’s statments, Jogawat said, “If madam wants, she can pay for my treatment. Who doesn’t want to be thin?”
Soon after the tweet, the Mumbai Police, who is extremely active on social media responded to her, saying the policeman wasn’t part of their force.
Manoj Kumar, SP of Neemuch, said that despite his obesity, Jogawat is dedicated toward his duty and his work has even won him praise from the court. “He also performed creditably during the rigorous Simhasta in Ujjain for a month,” the SP added.
Also Read: Mumbai Police Just Delivered a Major Burn to Shobhaa De