Is virtual company a reality?

Priya is an HR consultant. She spends most of her time on Skype attending meetings and interviews. She lives in Jaipur. Andrew, her colleague, is based at Chicago, and Christine at London. Priya’s office transitions from one room in her house to another through the day. She loves the morning gush of her make-shift lawn office and never misses the lunch-time chatter with her kids.’

Does it sound too good to be true? Welcome to the age of start-ups and technological innovations. The worldwide web has revolutionised the way we work. There is an ever-growing breed of telecommuters like Priya who do not want to forgo their personal lives for professional progress. A virtual company has geographically distributed team members across the globe, that is, it offers remote jobs to telecommuters. So, if you work for one, your office may be your home or your favourite coffee shop.

Interested? Let us explore more about the virtual companies.

1) Communication

The question arises, “Is it feasible to work for a virtual company since your team members may be seven seas apart?” The tech-freak web has an answer. Skype replaces the conference halls for debates and discussions. E-mails carry the official word. Telephone is the SOS for urgent messages. Annual or quarterly get-togethers may do for the face-to-face warm-up.

2) The nitty-gritty

A virtual company may ask you for an audio visual resume instead of the plain documentary one. It totally depends on the type of job you are applying for. They verify your details through the scanned copies of your certificates and photo identity cards.  Insurance and allowances for office equipment are also available. The partly virtual companies offer work opportunities in remote locations as well as at their office.

3) Finances

Payment portals like Paypal, and, net-banking come handy here. Performance based appraisal and promotions are also on the cards.

4) Job type

Telecommuters get to choose from a variety of roles. Whether you are a web designer or an HR consultant, there is one reserved for you.

5) Government regulation

A virtual company works within the rules and regulations stipulated by Government authorities. So, it means you cannot evade the taxes!

6) How to search?

Since a virtual company swears by the internet for operations, so search for one online. There are exclusive job boards dedicated to telecommuting opportunities, such as, Flexjobs. SHEROES is one platform that has plenty of authentic telecommuting jobs for women on sabbatical. Yes, you are at the right platform!

7) The X-factor

You do what you like that too from your comfort zone without disturbing the other housemates. You decide your working hours. There are no eyeballs prying on you from across the cabin glass at least till the time-machine is under construction!

A virtual company is like the virtual bills in your debit card. At the outset it may seem disguising, but, the people, work and money are real. So, do not groan over your inability to commute to work. Take charge of your career. Start fishing for the telecommuting opportunities today. A virtual company is very much real, and, right out there waiting for your first click!

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Neha Dewan
An environmentalist by training, I worked in the corporate sector during the initial years to find a confluence between the industries and nature. At present, I teach Biology online to higher secondary students. I love exploring the sabbatical blues faced by women like me and how the magnanimous internet could help us.

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