#GoodNews: Solar-Powered Pumps Quell Thirst of Bandipur’s Animals

Owing to heat and fire, animals living in and around the Bandipur National Park in Karnataka have been having a hard time. Not only are they thirsty, they are also dealing with high levels of stress.

The forest department has, therefore, decided to be the harbinger of good news for these animals. They have installed solar-powered pumps in several parts of the reserve, The Better India reported. The solar pumps, installed near water bodies, helps to boost wells which then provide water to watering holes.

BG Hosmath, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF), told The Hindu that the initiative was thought out in October 2016 after half of the region’s 370 watering holes had dried up.

“It is a great sight to see animals congregate around waterholes despite the severity of the drought, which indicates that the intervention has really paid off,” he said.

Besides Bandipur, solar pumps have been installed in Antharsanthe, Metikuppe and Veeranahosahalli in Nagarhole National Park.

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