Founder's Note - SHEROES

"Great journeys take us to places unimagined."

A small endeavor with Fleximoms, to support women stay connected with their work life choices has evolved.

SHEROES is headed to be India's most vibrant community of women navigating careers, finding their own successes.

SHEROES is committed to serve more women attain career success and meet their personal-professional goals.

Your aspiration powers the SHEROES mandate. Whether you choose to be on a fast corporate track, turn entrepreneurial,  work independently or work from home.

Whatever stage of life you are at, whatever choice of career you make - SHEROES and its community will support you through the journey.

SHEROES is invested in meeting the following objectives:

1) Power the Opportunityscape connecting women professionals with businesses across the range

2) Be the bridge for women taking the entrepreneurial route

3) More mentoring experiences and shared learning

4) Be a social good business by changing the women at work conversation and its landscape

As we grow, we get younger. SHEROES will bring the wisdom and experience of mentors to thousands of women setting the tone for their career journeys.

If you have been lucky enough to have a rewarding career, which you are willing to share with others, I invite you to join us on the SHEROES journey.

If you are a young woman, at the beginning of your career, I encourage you to connect and avail opportunities at your disposal.

If you are at career crossroads, I hope you will reach out and find a fit in an opportunity, a conversation or  a mentor.

If you are a business owner, I urge you to invest in becoming a gender neutral organization. Opening more opportunities to women pro actively will help us bridge the women at work gap.

If you are an investor, let us talk!

Serendipity is life's reward for believing in its goodness. We at SHEROES truly believe that.

More power to a SHERO near you!

I am happy to chat with you - find us @sairee  @sheroesindia

Sairee Chahal
Sairee is the Founder of - a platform connecting women to corporates and offers career opportunities, resources, mentorship. A believer in work-life redesign, serial entrepreneur, mentor, an occasional writer and mother of an 8-year-old, Sairee is India’s foremost women at work evangelist. She earlier co-founded Fleximoms and also worked with CII, Heidrick and Struggles. In 2000 she set up Newslink Services, world’s first newspaper for mariners. A winner of the Devi Award 2014, and a L’oreal Award nominee, Cartier Alumni and TED speaker, Sairee has an M.Phil in International Relations from JNU

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