Experience - The Way To Learn In Life

Is there a way to learn life…Do books that you read back in school equip you to deal with life and that it has to offer? For instance, to know what to do when you are in a low life condition?  Or have you got all answers from more experienced people. What happens when you are in a new country and you are finding your way through with people, customs, food…? Better still, your friend has left you with her new born for a few hours; who happens to be crying incessantly and you can’t get through to your friend. Or what happens when your boss calls in sick and you have to take over the presentation to the client?

We like following patterns in our thinking, behaviour and language for we seek solace in the known. Think about it – what does it do for you to follow the same rhythms? Maybe it gives you a sense of comfort and maybe it keeps you at bay from fear. 

Till we are children; we learn a lot through others experiences. And as our comprehension reaches another level, we start relying on wisdom we got in our formative years and the company we keep, sources of information, books, movies, stories.

But what happens when new situations and paths arise in your life – what is your approach?

Truly what is the best way to learn life?

I suppose, there is no better way to learn life than experience it with every being. After all, 'experience is the best teacher' and its awareness is what maketh a man or a woman. All experiences – good or bad- add up to your skills of living life. Just connect the dots and you know what I am saying!

When you seem to face any sort of change or a situation anew, you may probably be lurking to do the right thing in the best manner?  And so you want a perfect solution or method of approaching life. Well if only there was a book on life.

To learn life is to manage it in a state of happiness and ease. We learn life each day and the experiences that it comes with.  Depends on how aware are we of the experiences and the effect it has on us. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) expands your level of self awareness and your approach towards different arenas in life. It offers effective techniques to master the art of interpreting the learning and embracing it in a way that works best for you.

I recall when I started practicing Buddhism; I was most seeking. However there were times when I was grappling with what truly was the right thing to do. Buddha is not the one who knows all the answers but Buddha is one who knows How to deal with them. Which truly means going with the flow of life and allowing it to manifest – for therein lies true learning.

“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.” C. JoyBell C.

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Payal Gandhi Hoon
Payal Gandhi Hoon is a Nuero Linguistic Programming (NLP) Specialist and Corporate trainer. She is the founder of Tamarai (www.tamarainlp.com) emotional wellness training company in Delhi NCR to enable individuals and corporate to realise their potential through NLP. She is also an external committee member against Sexual Harassment with a Law firm. She has been an L&D professional in the corporate arena for over 13 years. She is passionate about theatre and writes regularly for Indian and International websites on women, entrepreneurship and NLP. Connect with her on twitter - @paielhoon

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