Crowdsourcing for business growth? Hashtaag your business!

The world is changing. And is changing fast. How businesses (small, medium and large) leverage the internet will be a make or break for many.

2013 and how it all changed for businesses!

2013 could sure be called the year of disruption for businesses. The one’s who smartly leveraged the internet reduced costs, raised funds, overcame obstacles, built traction with paying customers and over all grew faster!

And what changed in 2013?


1) Getting advice from global experts is no more a time consuming task

2) Move fast and get things done: now you can find partners around the world and build amazing things (without building full time teams on day 1)

3) Build traction with paying customers: businesses can now engage customers across all stages of growth. At times, even when the product is not yet ready!

How should businesses leverage crowdsourcing?

Determine what stage of the business you are in and what exactly does the business need to grow faster.

Leverage crowdsourced expertise

1) To vet your business proposition

2) Overcome business obstacles

3) Build a network of backers inspired by what you are doing

Leverage crowdsourced marketplace

1) Find partners, service providers, consultants and many amazing people around the globe to help you solve problems quickly

2) Build fast, cheap, launch and evolve

Once you are sure of your business, you can put together a full time team and get things rolling

Engage backers to be your paying customers

1)The real proof of concept of any product is when the customer gives money and actually buys it.

2) If you have leveraged step I and II well, you have access to a community of early adopters who can be great first customers.

This is exactly what hashtaag helps businesses (ideas, startups, sme’s and large business) do.

Many women entrepreneurs have emerged, now that they have access to a world, which was way too complex before. Women can leverage crowdsourcing in a massive way, by engaging fellow women and without truckloads of money startup!

On hashtaag there are women entrepreneurs who have created their business projects (of small scale) and have already gotten both advice, discovery and customers!! Do checkout this project by Shivani Singh.

Hashtaag is an Intel & UC Berkeley accelerated venture.

The team at hashtaag says: Entrepreneurs who are solving world problems inspire us. This is why we are creating an ecosystem, which enables and empowers business growth.

All of the above looks like a dream for businesses and that’s why the hashtaag team is going in stages.

The founder says: we intend to create value and no nonsense for businesses; especially for startups.

Right now, businesses can leverage crowdsourced expertise and get amazing backers who share expertise and networks to help overcome business obstacles.

Very soon businesses on hashtaag will be able to throw out all their needs of (design, hiring, technology, marketing) and so much more out in the world and get them fulfilled by amazing people globally. This enables a business reduce cost and get a quick product out to customers and gain critical feedback.

And lastly, the Holy Grail, which the platform says will happen in a few months from now. Businesses on hashtaag will actually be able to engage global audience to become paying customers.

You can reach out to team hashtaag at  OR

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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