Challenging Fears At Every Step Kreeti Mathur Redefined Her Life





While I am writing this post, I just realized that I have completed 10 years of my professional career.

I Started my corporate journey in 2007 as a Management Trainee in a South Korean based company in Gurgaon.  In 2008,  I joined an Indian Engineering firm with 5000 cr annual turnover.

During this phase I have learned a lot, i.e. from simple activities like punching & filing of papers to managing complex activities like annual Budget drafting, Finalizing KRA’s, managing Performance Management system, handling employee productivity monitoring mechanism etc.  

I have handled Manpower acquisition for 3 new Business verticals, met and had interacted with almost 8000 engineering professionals and have covered almost all regional and state engineering colleges as part of Campus Placements. I have been rated outstanding employee for many years.  I have travelled in almost all parts of the India for projects, hiring assignments  presentations and employer branding initiatives.

I have also taken special projects for organizations like CII , Info Edge ( , T-Series , BHEL .and BSI. Recently, I was invited as one of the speaker for 1ST National Youth Development Conference by Minister of Youth and Sports Development “Shri Vijay Goel”, where I presented white paper for initiatives Government can take for our youth.   

So tell me, is it looking like a resume? Yes , it does! But my intentions for writing all this in the beginning is quite different. This is the 2nd part of my “ZIG ZAG , TURBULENT LIFE FLIGHT” story. Now let me share its 1st part, which is quite opposite .

After completing my graduation due to weak economic circumstances I decided to start a job in order to support my family income, way back in 2006. I didn’t pursue post-graduation degree like many of my friends did. During my initial days it was hard for me to adjust myself in the environment where you have all post graduates working with you.  Promotion policies, growth plans were absolutely different for them.

Also , finding the 1st Job , without any support , without PG Degree & proper reference was not a cakewalk for me. Then, I got myself registered on, which got me my first assignment, my first job in 2007.

During 2008, in my second job I was the only female employee in the Department. This didn’t made me weak , neither did I hesitate in taking extra assignments , staying after office hours or taking help on projects from male colleagues . Seeing my determination and passion for work , my employer accepted my request for financing my EPHRM course, from IIM Lucknow.

Soon after this I was fully confident and got encouraged to take a step further by adding more responsibilities to my bucket.

I started interacting with employees,  took active part in employee engagement, women participation and counseling initiatives. During this phase I went over with series of experiences ranging from handling personal crisis of employees in trouble seeking help to that of women employee seeking support in their critical life matters. There were events when I had handled issues of women safety to that of finding a job for retired official’s children. From accidental case to maternity case. All that was given to me , without making me officially trained to handle such scenarios , as you can’t be trained in handling all that in advance.

There were times, I used to break, but as mentioned I was in HR Department, so for me seeking support outside the department was not so easy. But then I realized, with the power of self reliance, patience, practicality and fearless attempts, one can really help self and deal with difficult scenarios.

I learned driving. I learned how to work on car puncture, empty tank, car broke scenarios. I took some self defense classes too and since last one decade I am commuting by my own. I do visit car garage, workshops on routine basis to get my car serviced , leaving behind the mindset of “It’s a man’s job”!

All this made me really strong.

In the year 2010,  I invested in a property, for which getting a home loan was not very easy. I reached numbers of banks but none sanctioned me a house loan. But, as known GOD HELP WHOM , WHO HELP THEMSELVES! I got a call from SBI Bank , stating that they have introduced special loan scheme for working women. Under which I got house loan sanctioned.

I captured fear of social security (being unmarried) by owing a personal car knowing driving, purchasing a flat to having medical insurances. I killed my fear of public speaking and representation by completing my higher education.

It doesn't matter you are married or not , with family or living alone , the only few key holders of life which really empowers every women is her complete education , determination , capability of defending self against all odds ,


My  advise for all SHEROES' readers is to “break #Stereotypes and move forward, #takecharge and live life stress free!”



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