Be honest: Can you do everything? Superman could, but most of us can’t! Many supervisors avoid delegating as they are uncomfortable with the situation, or are not used to the idea. Some believe in “if you want something done right, do it yourself” while others fear being outshined by the employee to whom they have delegated.

But delegating work can be a lifesaver and is extremely essential for workplace growth – your own and your subordinates’.

How? The key is to delegate efficiently and responsibly. Never delegate sensitive projects. If you are heading a project because of your expertise then you must finish it yourself. If the work is “confidential”, be wary.

Look for. The things to look for in the team member you are delegating to worthy are skill levels, motivation and dependability. Choose someone who is best suited for the job – you can provide the right opportunities and make him/her invaluable to the team.

Be clear. Make your instructions as clear as possible. Be very specific while explaining what you need so there’s no room for confusion or error. If you have a long list of instructions, put it on paper – this will give team members something to refer to when they are on the job.

Taking decisions. It is essential your subordinate/team member has a clear understanding of the extent of authority – should she use her judgment or come to you immediately when a decision needs to be made?

Keep tabs. Measure the performance of your subordinate and let her know how it will be measured. Make clear the level of accountability that comes with the task. It’s advisable to divide a larger project into smaller segments and divide them among the team.

Review regularly. Let the team report to you once it is finished and get daily, weekly or monthly feedbacks. Staying informed at all times will avoid the possibility of failure. At the end of the day, you are the one responsible for the project.

Hand holding. A crucial part of delegation is coaching or mentoring. Let your team know they can come to you with questions and doubts. Be patient as the task handed out is new. Consistently motivate your staff and commend them whenever they have performed well. Recognition will boost their morale. If someone doesn’t do a good job, find out why and pinpoint where they went wrong.

Knowing how to delegate effectively will not only make your life easier but will also help you build a better rapport with your team.

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